TreeDiaper Municipal Case Study
This case study has been carried out in collaboration with the Urban Forestry Department, City of Richmond, Virginia.
Richmond performed a street tree planting project on Jefferson Davis Highway around in 2012-2013. On August 2013, on road medium of a block of south side of Maury Street, TreeDiaper36 was installed and covered with mulch.
Adding the mulch on the top of TreeDiaper36 can prevent vandalism and keep natural looking outside. On road medium of a block of north side of Maury Street, standard watering bag remained for trees.
Annual natural precipitation in Richmond of Virginia is generally above 40 inches, but seasonal drought occurred on July 2014 (~1" rainfall) and August 2016 (~1" rainfall) and severe winters occurred 2013-2014 (-15°C) and 2014-2015 (-10°C).
Since the installation of TreeDiaper36s and by the end of 2016, trees on south side of Maury Street, have not been provided any maintenance services such as watering and deweeding (grass mowing around the trees were kept as normal). The north side of Maury Street received regular maintenance services.
Trees with TreeDiaper Advanced Hydration System are all survival, growing green and strong as of June 2016.
Trees with standard watering bags died (July 2014, and was removed between April-July 2015
Free of maintenance for trees with TreeDiaper advanced hydration system during the testing period.
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Tree Diaper Vs. Tree Bags